Tuesday, December 6, 2016

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hseb exam 11 class 2072 2073 published

to see ur reslut visit here

hsed result published see it here fast

hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for
hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for 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today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for hseb exam result published today so be ready guys for 

Monday, December 5, 2016

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Meroreview a-z review

meroreview is a blog for reviewing varoius things like about famous places , mountains ,industry, invention and films and many more things . meroreview is started in 2016 while hemant chaudhary was in kathmandu new baneshwor. meroreview now going to provide very accurate information about latest trends on the market. now we have started to write the articles on the various subjects and provide them to the readers . actually there are many things we dont know so our main aim is to find out and reveal to the front of our all the readers
some of our links of meroreview you can also read about it.
top five mountains of the world
what is touchwiz samsung
top five places to visit in nepal
top five software to insall on ubuntu

meroreview site the most popular site of nepal now going to be in the time of reviewing trust the info of meroreview .

Saturday, October 8, 2016

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Android HD games and gameplay

Checkout Gameplay of android game


2.Dead Effect

3.Asphalt Nitro

4.Thor Dark world

Sunday, September 11, 2016

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How to use cheat in GTA SA using GTA sa cheater on Android

Hello Guys today iam going to tell you how to patch cheat code in GTA SA.

First download GTA sa cheater app

Download link:GTA SA:cheater

After downloading install app and open it
GTA Sandres for android
Click in Continue button
then your game's saved file is seen
GTA trainer
Select any file you want to patch
After selection
Check  desire option after that select save buton. Now you are ready to run.

Still having problem watch this video.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

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5 Ways to strong the security of your wireless network

More covienent you feel less secure you are.Alots of security problem arises in wireless network sometime password is stolen sometime WPS pin

5 way strong  your wireless network is given below

1.Change WPS pin (Disable WPS  pin if possible)

WPS stand for wireless protected setup.This feature is avaliable almost all new router.This feature connect client device easily using pin but as already i said more convient you feel less secure you are.Developer has figure out kicking your convienent and some penetrating tool like Dumper for pc and Androdumper,WPS tester are avaliable which check the vunerablty of router lots of people don't know about this and  
and  even noob are cracking password.These penetrating testing tool don't generate pin they already has default pin of different router in their database.So while setuping router change your default pin or disable WPS if possible.

2.Replace your old router 
If you are still using old router its time to change.Your old router may have security issue cause its old technology or older firmware which may has loophole through which computet nerd can get in.

3.Use WpA2  type security.

4.Use MAC(Media access code)
feature which is available in almost every router.Add MAC address of your client device in White list and only those device which are added in Whitelist can access your wireless device.This is most secure method cause despite of knowing your password they can't able to connect in wireless  because only whitelist added device are allowed to access the wireless device.

5.check router log regularly simply loging router control pannel.Every activity perform through  you wirless device is shown here.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

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How to create WiFi hotspot from CMD

Today i'm going to show you how to create wifi hotspot using CMD. Although there are alots of software available which can create wifi hotspot esaily with single click but this tutorial show how these application function.

so lets begin

1.Open command promt(CMD) simply press start button and R and type cmd or search in all program

2.Then type following command

wlan show drivers
This command show about your wireless device.

3.Then type

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=yourhotspot name key=password

hit enter key

This command create wifi hotspot.

4.Again type

 netsh wlan start hostednetwork

 and hit enter .

This command start wifihotspot which we create earlier.

5.if you want to stop wifi then type following command:

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

hit enter.


6.if you want to check how many user are connected then type following command:

netsh wlan show hostednetwork

and press enter.

This command show your SSID,Max no.of client.Athentication,cipher,no.of client,channel etc.

Skip 5 and 6 no.

7.Now its time to share internet connect.

Open open network and sharing center

Click on change adapter settings

8.Right click adapter which you use to connect the internet and click on properties 

9.Then you will see Sharing tab option click on it.

10.Check the box allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection and select the network connection name which is used by your wifi hotspot and press apply button.

Now you have successfully share internet connection. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

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HTML tags

Some basic tag any web programmer:

The header of HTML documents is controlles by<Hn> and </Hn> tags.The value of b range from 1 to 6.The H1 is largest size of header and H6 is smallest of all.

    Where n=1,2,3,4,5 and 6
 Header alignment us also called used. Header us aligned to left by Default, but it a can be aligned center ,right or justify.

<Hn> align=”left/center/right/justify”>….</Hn>


It si used to move sursor in new line leaving blank space.It is used in beginning of text.In this way,it is used to separate different paragraph.

<p align=”left/center/right/justify”>-------</p>

This tag moves the cursor in new line without leaving blank spaces.


4.HR(horizontal ruler)
It is used to draw horizontal line to separate section. Its attributes are:
Color: color name

No shade:unshaded dark gray line without the hollow and slightly three dimensional appearance.
Size: number
Width: number or %
Align: Left/right/center

<HR size=”8 color=”blue”>:It draws 8 pixels thick blue line
This tag is used to place text in central position. The text written within <center> and </center> is aligned to the central part of document.



The  text color for whole page can be defines within <body> tag.

<BODY TEXT=”blue”>

The color of anchor text is also defines within <BODY> tags. The default color of LINK  is blue, default color of VLINK is purple and ALINK color is red for Netscape Navigator and Microsoft internet Explore.

<BODY TEXT=”green” LINK=”yellow” VLINK=”red” ALINK=”green”>
These are attributes of BODY tags used to set top and left margins of document. Some browser ignore these attributes.

These are also BODY attributes used to display background color and background images.

<BODY BGCOLOR=”build”>
<BODY BACKGROUND=”rain.gif”>

Sometime we use BGPROPERTIES attributes with BACKGROUND to prevent scrolling of images with text. This is a browser-sensitive attributes.

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Basic concept of HTML

HTML is a tag base scripting language, interpreted by browser. Hyper text is nonlinear text. It has a capacity of open a door of other related information or files.

Basic structure of HTML


This tag are backbone on which other tags are located.Other tag like <HEAD>..</HEAD>,<TITLE>….</TITLE> etc tag are located between <HTML>  and  </HTML>.
<HTML> tag is places in beginning and </HTML> is places in end of HTML document.

Under this tag title of webpage is written.Which is display in top of the web browser .
The <BODY> is the main body of HTML document in which multimedia link, several images are placed.


HTML code for basic webpage
welcome to my page
<body background="androidw.jpg">
<li><a href="#EXAMPLE">EXAMPLE</a></li>
<h2><a name="EXAMPLE" id="EXAMPLE"></a>EXAMPLE</h2>

Output is:

Sunday, May 15, 2016

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How to connect or share your pc hard drive with your Smartphone.

Today I’m  going to show you how to connect/share pc hard drive to your smartphone. After doing this you can copy, cut, modify, stream video directly from your smartphone.
Before dong this make sure you had turn on following things:

 1.Click in the network and sharing which is in the right corner of taskbar

share hard drive to smartphone

2.Open open network and sharing


3.Click on change advance sharing settings

Advance sharing

4.New windows will appeared turn on everything except password protected sharing.

5.Now its time to share hard drive.

6.Open My computer

7.Right click on any partition you would like to share.
8.Click on properties 
share hard drive with ful permission

9.Dialog box will appeared click on sharing

10.Then your will see advance sharing option

11.Click on it.

12.You will see follwing dialog box

13.Click on share this folder

14.Again click on Permission

15.Now if you want share with full permission tick on allow full control,change,read

Or if you want to allow read only then tick on allow read and deny change and full control

16.Click on apply buttom.

17.Click on ok to save changes

You have successfully share your drive now its time to connect with smartphone.

18.Create wifi hotspot in your desktop or laptop.SEE HOW TO CREATE WIFI HOTSPOT USING


19.Now press start button and R button simultaneonusly or simply click on start menu and search CMD.

20.Type ipconfig

command prompt

21.Note down ipv4 address

Now it time to configure setting on your smartphone for this there are a lots apps available in playstore grab any of them today using ES file explore.

22.Connect in hotspot network you earlier created.

wifi mode

23.Open es file explore


24.Click on LAN

Add ip address

25.Now again click on + floating button


25.Type ip address you have noted earlier in server column
Fill your pc’s username and password
And hit ok.

Finally you have successfully get connect to your pc drive.You will see drive you had shared.Now you can stream movies,play music,view image as well as you can
manage file of drive.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

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How to run c compiler in any android phone

i will show how to run c compiler in android device without root

run c in android without root

In this post iam going to teach you how to run c compiler in android phone.No root require its easy too setup.

Download the file from given link

Copy TC folder in sdcard

Install andosbox app

Run andosbox

click option button
and select keyboard.

type. CD TC and press enter.

again type CD BIN and press enter.

once more type CD TC and press enter.

Now it is ready to run.

Download link:C compiler

Thursday, January 14, 2016

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How to solve play store sign in problem and play store connection.

Lot of people are facing this problem
Most of them get  frustrated and reset their device to solve it.

Their are lots option to solve it.Resetting is one of then.But this isn't good option because if there is problem in "Host" file which is in system partition.Resetting become worthless.

In this tutorial few I am going to tell you best option.

                Option 1.
Clear data of play store force close it.
Make sure you have disable background data restrictions and relaunch the play store.

             Option 2.

Remove your Google account and relogin your account.

           Option 3.( for rooted user)

Use any root supported file explorer I recommend you to use Es file explorer.
Grant it root permission.
Mount system partition.
Goto system>etc> if you didn't found folder simple search Hosts.
Open it using any text editor
Clear all text inside it and copy localhost on it and save the hosts file reboot your device.

Still having problem comment below

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

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How to hack WiFi password using androidumper in android phone.

In this post Iam going to show you how to hack WiFi password using App called androdumper.Before lunching app make sure your android is properly rooted and busybox must be installed.

1.Open androdumper app
2.Click in scan or device will automatically scan network.
3.click in any WPS enabled network
 4.You were asked root or non root method.
 5.If your android version is above 5.0 you can use non-root method if you aren't then use root method.Different between root method and non root method is in root method password is viewed after hack complete.


 For better understanding watch this video foe more please visit  >>>tricks expport